So after a little revamp now I had a little bit more time, I saw on a blog this blogging challenge post which looked like fun and would give me something to keep filling in my blog inbetween levelling.
It begins!
Day 1- Introduce yourself
I'm Rhiannon (or Rie as I'm known as to most people now). I'm 24 years old and I live with my boyfriend in Lincoln in the UK. I have 2 beautiful little girls. I used to work at ASDA but I'm being a full time mum until the youngest grows up but in the time I will be doing a french course.
I'm a True Blood freak, I love the TV series and the books, they kept me sane during my pregnancy. I like reading, I've read a book sometimes from the beginning and gotten so into it that next time I've looked up the sun is already starting to rise. I've also started to get the Warcraft comics and been reading the manga as I really enjoy the lore behind it.
I love cooking too, especially making cakes. Cupcakes to be more precise. Love them!
My favourute film is Inception closely followed by Se7en and the Matrix. I love most types of music, during the year I go from preferring different types to others. Like at the moment, I prefer rock and heavy metal as Download and Sonisphere have just been and I went to Sonisphere the 2 years before. I been to see more live bands too since Lincoln gained a new live venue which has been pretty cool. One of the best I've seen there was Chase and Status, that was pretty epic. 30 seconds to Mars was amazing too, and being able to see Jared Leto /drool.
I like shopping but not really for clothes, more for stuff in my house. I can be like a magpie and go straight for anything shiny.
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